Published Oct 11, 2024

    What Does Alkaline Water Do? Understanding Its Benefits

    Alkaline water has been very popular lately, and many people say it has a lot of health benefits. Alkaline water is thought to offer more than just normal hydration, including better digestion and increased hydration. This article will explain what alkaline water is, how to create it at home, and some possible health benefits. It will also discuss some potential adverse effects.

    What is alkaline water?

    Water with a pH higher than ordinary drinking water is referred to as alkaline water. On a range of 0 to 14, the pH scale determines how acidic or alkaline a substance is. While best alkaline water usually has a pH of 8 or 9, most tap water has a neutral pH of about 7.

    Among the most well-known manufacturers of this kind of water is Alkaline 88 Water, a company that gained recognition for providing pH-balanced water with hydration-enhancing promises. Alkaline water proponents claim that the higher pH balances the body's acidity and improves general health. It's crucial to remember that scientific investigation into these claims is still in its early stages and that further research is required to validate these possible advantages. Alkaline water has a higher pH and is frequently supplemented with minerals like calcium, magnesium, and potassium, which are thought to promote a variety of body functions. These minerals are found naturally in spring water but can also be added during processing to create the most alkaline water.

    How to Make Alkaline Water at Home

    There are a few easy ways you can attempt to create best alkaline water at your house. The simplest method is to mix baking soda into your water. A tiny bit of baking soda can increase the pH of your water because it is a very alkaline substance. In order to achieve this, add roughly 1/8 of a teaspoon of baking soda to an eight-ounce glass of water, stirring to completely dissolve it. Although this approach is easy to use, people who are sensitive to sodium may find it unsuitable.

    Using lemon juice is another technique. Although naturally acidic, lemons have an alkaline effect on the body once they are absorbed. Add a slice of lemon to your water and let it sit for several hours to create lemon-alkaline water. The water will become more alkaline as its pH rises with time. Investing in an alkaline water machine or filter that separates acidic and alkaline components of water is another option. For those who want a more dependable and consistent way to make alkaline water at home, these gadgets are a great investment.

    Potential Health Benefits of Alkaline Water

    Enhance hydration is one of the most widely stated benefits of alkaline water. Alkaline water's minerals are thought to enhance the body's ability to absorb water. Because of this, products like Cure Hydrating Electrolyte Mix—which uses electrolytes to encourage improved hydration—are especially appealing to athletes and individuals leading busy lifestyles.

    The ability of alkaline water to counteract acid in the bloodstream is another alleged advantage. Although there isn't much scientific proof to back up this claim, some proponents contend that it can avoid problems like acid reflux. Alkaline water, however, is found by many to aid with digestion and general comfort following meals. Enhance hydration is one of the most widely stated benefits of alkaline water. Alkaline water's minerals are thought to enhance the body's ability to absorb water. Because of this, products like Cure Hydrating Electrolyte Mix—which uses electrolytes to encourage improved hydration—are especially appealing to athletes and individuals leading busy lifestyles.

    The ability of best alkaline water to counteract acid in the bloodstream is another alleged advantage. Although there isn't much scientific proof to back up this claim, some proponents contend that it can avoid problems like acid reflux. Alkaline water, however, is found by many to aid with digestion and general comfort following meals.

    Alkaline Water Side Effects

    Drinking alkaline water has a lot of potential advantages, but it's also critical to be aware of any potential drawbacks. An excessive amount of alkaline water consumption may cause pH abnormalities in the body. Alkalosis, a disorder that happens when the body gets overly alkaline, may follow from this. Symptoms of alkalosis include nausea, vomiting, muscle twitching, and confusion. Decreased stomach acidity is another potential adverse effect. Food must be broken down by stomach acid in order to destroy hazardous microorganisms. The natural acidity of your stomach may be diluted if you drink too much alkaline water, which will make it more difficult to effectively digest meals and absorb minerals.

    The body's natural mineral balance can also be upset by consuming an excessive amount of alkaline water. Most of the best alkaline water has extra minerals added, such as calcium and magnesium, but if you drink too much of it, you could overdrink and develop kidney stones or other health concerns. Before converting to alkaline water, those with long-term illnesses like kidney disease should speak with their doctors because not everyone will benefit from the adjustment in pH levels.

    Alkaline Water and Tap Water: pH Comparison

    6.5 to 8.5 is the typical pH range for tap water, though it might vary depending on the source. Although most places consider tap water to be safe to consume, alkaline water has more potential health benefits than neutral or slightly acidic water due to its higher pH.

    Water filters can help eliminate contaminants and enhance the flavor of tap water, but some people still prefer to drink it that way. You may use a pH meter or test strips to determine the pH of your water if you're concerned. In this manner, the pH values of your handmade or store-bought alkaline water can be compared to those of ordinary tap water. In order to make tap water safe to drink, several communities add chemicals to it; nevertheless, occasionally, this detracts from the water's overall quality or taste. Purchasing an alkaline water filter or going with bottled alkaline water, like Alkaline 88 Water, may be a preferable choice for those who are sensitive to these additions.

    Top 4 Reasons to Drink Alkaline Water

    The increasing number of people using alkaline water in their daily routines can be attributed to its possible health benefits. The four main justifications for consuming alkaline water are listed below:

    Better Consumption of Water

    Regular water is thought to hydrate the body less effectively than alkaline water. Your body may absorb water more effectively thanks to the increased pH level and additional minerals like calcium and magnesium. Athletes and those leading active lifestyles who need to maintain appropriate hydration levels throughout the day may particularly benefit from this. By adding electrolytes to the hydration process, products like Cure Hydrating Electrolyte Mix also enhance water absorption.

    Aids with Digestion and Acid Reflux

    The ability of alkaline water to balance acidity in the body is one of its best-known advantages. By neutralizing stomach acid, drinking alkaline water can help decrease the symptoms of acid reflux. Furthermore, the higher pH of the water might aid in improved digestion, making eating following meals more comfortable. Many people experience relief from discomfort associated to acidity when they frequently drink alkaline water, while more research is needed in this area.

    Properties of Antioxidants and Detoxification

    Because alkaline water neutralizes free radicals, its high antioxidant content may aid in the body's detoxification process. Free radicals are dangerous chemicals that can induce oxidative stress, which can result in early aging and a number of illnesses. Alkaline water may assist the body's natural detoxification processes and enhance general wellness by neutralizing these chemicals.

    Possible Benefits for Kidney and Bone Health

    According to certain research, consuming alkaline water may improve kidney and bone health. "Calcium and magnesium, two elements that are present in alkaline water, are crucial for strong bones. Kidney stones may also be less common if urine acidity is balanced with the use of alkaline water. But, before making any big adjustments to your drinking habits, speak with a doctor if you already have kidney disease.


    Alkaline water has become a well-liked option for people trying to become more hydrated, enhance their digestion, and generally feel better. The possible advantages are well taken into account, regardless of whether you want to use packaged products like Alkaline 88 Water or discover how to manufacture alkaline water at home using basic materials. Nevertheless, it's crucial to be aware of any possible negative effects of consuming alkaline water, particularly if done so in excess. Although some evidence suggests that drinking alkaline water has health benefits, more studies are required to thoroughly evaluate these claims. As is customary, get medical advice before making big dietary or hydration changes, particularly if you have underlying medical concerns.

    You may make wiser choices about your hydration and general health by learning about the top alkaline water choices and the effects that different water pHs, including the pH of tap water, can have on your body. Consider the advantages and disadvantages carefully before using Cure Hydrating Electrolyte Mix, whether you're an athlete seeking better hydration or just interested in learning more about the health benefits of alkaline water.

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